Indian Banana Leaf Puppets original

July 9, 2013 at 8:58 am | Posted in crafts, homeschool, Postcrossing, printable, thrifty projects | Leave a comment
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This week we are learning about India in the home school co-op that I participate in.  Since I am teaching that class, I went to and wrote to someone in each country we will be “visiting” to see if we could exchange postcards.   As postcrossing is a postcard exchange site almost everyone I contacted was happy to exchange cards, and the member in India exchanged souvenirs as well as postcards.  One of the souvenirs was a set of banana leaf puppets.  I looked for information about banana leaf puppets online (I even used google translate to search in Hindi and Urdu) and was absolutely amazed that I couldn’t find anything. Continue Reading Indian Banana Leaf Puppets original…

Corn Husk Dolls

November 6, 2012 at 11:01 am | Posted in crafts, homeschool, printable | 8 Comments
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I love hands-on activities for school – it is much easier to remember learning something if it is fun.  Corn husk dolls are a fun way to learn a little bit about the handmade toys used by native Americans, so they are a great project for making around Thanksgiving. The dolls are pretty easy to make, and are surprisingly durable.  It took my seven year old son 15 minutes to make his doll unaided. Continue Reading Corn Husk Dolls…

Indian Banana Leaf Puppets

October 5, 2012 at 11:49 am | Posted in crafts, homeschool, Postcrossing, printable, thrifty projects | Leave a comment
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This week we are learning about India in the home school co-op that I participate in.  Since I am teaching that class, I went to and wrote to someone in each country we will be “visiting” to see if we could exchange postcards.   As postcrossing is a postcard exchange site almost everyone I contacted was happy to exchange cards, and the member in India exchanged souvenirs as well as postcards.  One of the souvenirs was a set of banana leaf puppets.  I looked for information about banana leaf puppets online (I even used google translate to search in Hindi and Urdu) and was absolutely amazed that I couldn’t find anything.

Read the rest (and get the free printable) at – sorry for the inconvenience, but I have moved to my own domain 🙂

Homeschool Daily Planner

June 23, 2012 at 8:38 am | Posted in homeschool, printable | Leave a comment
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Its that time of year again, where as a homeschooling mom I go through everything we’ve done for school over the past year, and prepare for the coming year.  I designed a weekly planner page last year, but it didn’t work out as well as I’d like since we normally do a 4 day school week.  With this simple page, I can overview 2 weeks at once for record keeping purposes, and by printing on both sides of the page I only need one sheet of paper for four weeks.  For me, the simpler it is, the more likely I am to actually use it. Continue Reading Homeschool Daily Planner…

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